Easter in Armenia

Armenia has its own unique Easter celebrations and traditions. Easter is one of the brightest holidays of the Armenian Apostolic Church. It is a moveable feast, the day of the celebration is not fixed and each year it is different. The feast of the holiday is always celebrated from 22 March to 26 April (35 days).Easter is also known as  Surb Zatik. Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin.Visiting church, funny games, colorful eggs, bread, greens and all the goodies make Armenian Easter very enjoyable.Another interesting tradition is coloring of eggs. Easter eggs are dyed red using the traditional method of immersing them in an infusion of red onion skins – representing the blood of Christ. A favorite egg-tapping game is played by children and adults alike. You hold a hard-boiled egg upright, the other person holds their egg upright, and you tap their egg. If you crack the other person’s eggshell first without breaking your own, you win and get their egg. You keep doing this until the person with the most eggs wins. All the children play this game.Armenians cook rice with raisins where rice is the symbol of the humanity, and raisins represent all Christians.The easter table also includes Armenian fish Ishkhan and red wine, which symbolize the flesh and blood of Christ. The most popular bread for Easter is Chorek. It is a sweet bread. It’s especially loved by kids. Chorek is a rather sweet and puff bread, that’s why it’s not an everyday dish, but is made once a year, during Easter.




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